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Disciple Making


Resource TypeTitleDescriptionAuthorSessions/FormatLocation
BookThe Cost of Discipleship Cheap grace," Bonhoeffer wrote, "is the grace we bestow on ourselves...grace without discipleship....Costly grace is the gospel which must be sought again and again, the girl which must be asked for, the door at which a man must know....It is costly because it costs a man his life, and it is grace because it gives a man the only true life."Dietrich BonhoefferThe book's major theme centers on what it really means to be a disciple of Christ. This is summed up by Bonhoeffer's statement that Christ calls us to "come and die." 
Book/StudyHow People Change Excellent resources for SG Leaders. Looks at what it takes to make LASTING changes in our hearts and lives.Timothy S. Lane & Paul David TrippStudy guide and DVD sessions are available.http://www.paultrippministries.com/Store_ProductDetail.aspx?pid=49458756794c3DF9e6c
Book/StudyThe Master Plan of Evangelism Takes an indepth look at Jesus' methodology for making disciples and breaks it down into 8 steps, which are necessary to call our actions "real disciplemaking".Robert ColemanStudy guide questions is provided in the back of the book for each chapter. 
Book/StudyRadical: Taking back your faith from the American DreamIs it possible that we have taken Jesus and made Him look like us instead of conforming into His image? What does the Bible say about possessions, mission, purpose, etc. Strong and challenging book on these subjects.David PlattSermon series that accompanies this book, is on Radical.net. SG Guides and notes are included for free.http://www.radical.net/media/series/series_list/?id=2
Book/StudyRadical Together: Unleashing the People of God for the Purpose of GodA follow-up to the book Radical. If we live Radically as individuals, how does that play out as a church. Is it possible to think we are living radically when in reality we are not?David PlattStudy guide questions is provided in the back of the book for each chapter. 
BookReal Life Discipleship See linkJim Putman  
BookTally Ho the Fox!See linkHerb Hodges  
BookTransforming Discipleship See linkGreg Ogden  
BookThe Adventure of Discipling Others See linkJohn Purvis & Ron Bennett  
BookThe Lost Art of Disciple-Making See linkLeRoy Elms   
Practical BookGoing Public with Your FaithFocus on the Family: Becoming a spiritual influence at work Fourteen chapter bookSmall Groups Office