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Read Thru the Bible Guides


Resource TypeTitleDescriptionAuthorSessions/FormatLocation
SG StudyRead the Bible for Life - Chronological Read ThruOn Radical.net, this includes a 1 year read thru the Bible guide, along with Small Group Study Guides and Family Worship GuidesDr. George Guthrie, David PlattFree .pdf study guide and free SG Guides for each week of study.http://www.bhpublishinggroup.com/readthebible/downloads/RBL-reading-plan.pdf

GuideESV Reading PlansSeveral options for reading thru the Bible provided by ESV. Free downloads and guides.http://www.esv.org/resources/reading-plans-devotions/
GuideThe Discipleship Journal Reading PlanRead thru the Bible in 1 year, taking Scripture from 4 different parts of the Bible each day. Free .pdfhttp://www.navpress.com/uploadedFiles/15074%20BRP.dj.pdf